"Pocketball" (Pool) in Korea
Pool halls are smoky dives in Korea. 15 years ago, they were meeting places for mobsters who smoked cigarettes, spat and got into scuffles. It's ironic that Tae Hun and I went from playing the man's game to eating crushed ice and fruit at Can More, a desert chain famous for its lace and porch swing seats.

what is with those chairs?
Koreans dig them. you can swing back and forth as you eat your ice cream. not my thing!
Whoooa but they look comfy
oooo that place looks good, i love swingseats and ice cream :)and the seats look v comfy
btw is tae hun the guy you met when you first arrived in korea and asked directions? or is he a different guy?
Okay I LOVE big comfy seats that swing. and fairy dust. And Disney characters. And anything pink. (You guys made me feel like a stick in the mud.)
No, that was Chung. Chung moved to another town to start University.
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