I found that 7ft. tall bookshelf on the side of the road.

"Korean bathroom floors are always wet. There's a drainage hole in centre of the floor, where water drains down to the sewage.The advantage is you never have to clean the bathroom. You just take the shower hose, and spray everything down. One minute later, voila, shiny and clean." - (thank you
Anonymous) / F.Y.I: I discuss this
in my post
Arrived in Korea Last Night.

Why does anyone NOT have heated floors?

Dryers are non-
existent in Korea.
Your place looks REALLY nice. The bathroom's a bit weird but the wood pannelling, cozy bed, heated floors and charming work furniture make this a steal. I'm not going to lie: I like your bulletin board!
Thank you but it's my fridge! I squished the photos together so I could get an up-close shot.
Miss you.
This weekend, I'll film a short movie (walking into the building, then my apartment) so you can get an idea about the size ;)
I think you need to explain about Korean bathrooms to North Americans who aren't familiar.
Korean bathroom floors are always wet. There's a drainage hole in centre of the floor, where the water drains down to the sewage.
The advantage of this is that you never have to clean the bathroom. You just take a shower hose, and spray everything down. One minute later, voila, shine and clean.
Heated floor ?
Stop global warming ?
or I give you warning ?
why don't you BBQ yourself ???
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