Monday, March 05, 2007

My recent photos of KOREA

Nightlife in Insadong, near Jeon station.

South Gate, Suwon

City Hall area, Seoul


  1. The garment worn by one of the women in your City Hall photo is quite striking. Can't shake it off my head... I am like, ' what the hell is that?! '

  2. I just watched a very interesting documentry on National Geographic about North Korea. It was about a doctor from Nepal that wanted to operate on blind citizens and restore their vision.I was just so shocked on how devote the people are to the " Great Leader " as they call him. It was almost like seeing a bad cult. Anyways it was interesting . That night life photo looks like sommething I want to be a part of looks fun

  3. Korea is the "land of the morning calm." The nightlife is great- so long as you like drinking and kareoke!

  4. Fox: hahaha, I didn't notice her (admittedly bizarre) white shorts before you posted your comment.

  5. wow I like that new photo of an old man trying to.... jettison his... phlegm??


  6. Hilarious, Fox! I have funny blog readers. People keep making me laugh in the comment sections.

    NO, he isn't releasing phlem, but standing up in protest of the photo!

  7. what's with the last photo by the way? Is he some kind of a Korean marching band reject?

  8. Anonymous10:56 AM

    South Korea looks very similar to Japan. Looking at your pictures gives me flashbacks to a summer in Tokyo.

    That's awesome you're teaching English in SK. Very interesting post about "10 Things Not To Do"...Different culture entirely.


thank you and have a nice day