Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What's that? Party in Eva's classroom?

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The no fail pizza in America is pepperoni. But in Korea? It's potato (or sweet potato) pizza, often drizzled with mayo. Today was the last day of classes for the 3 month term. I asked my students how they wanted to celebrate. "Pizza please, teacher! Please!" Ok. "Assah!"

They drank Coca-Cola and I had Coco-Palm, which I highly recommend. It's white grape juice with chewy squares of grape in it:

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"Teacher, gimme some of that CocoPalm." No, it's too yummy to share.

Talk of sharing, this girl stared at herself in the mirror throughout class. Then she asked if she could go to the bathroom, and after 15 minutes I found herself investigating new pimples in the mirror.

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I did something I shouldn't have. She's a rebellious student, but she's experiencing major self conciousness. I had foundation in my purse that I never use, because it's an Asian brand and the color is all wrong for my skin.

Middle and highschool students in Korea aren't allowed to wear makeup. I suggested she see a dermatologist, remembering days in grade 9 I cried, before school, because I had a massive red planet on my cheek. I could empathize so I gave her the makeup, but I hope she isn't sent to the principal's office because of it. And I hope it doesn't turn into a bad habit.

You should have seen the look in her eyes, like I had handed her a pack of cigarettes. She quickly slid it into her backpack, grinning from ear to ear. Oh oh. Am I a bad teacher?


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    You're the cool teacher, luna. One pimple in middle school is a major deal.

  2. Thanks little bro, but I'm not so sure it was a good idea! My intentions were honest though

  3. Anonymous11:32 AM

    lol... I just returned from teaching in Suwon. I was only there for a month, but I can identify with the sweet potato pizza and the "Assah!" comments. I'm trying to make that word cool in the US, but have so far been unsuccessful. Perhaps more effort is required... :)

  4. Your students look so cute! Oh, and the pizza!!! When I was in Japan, I thought it was mighty strange to see pizza with potato wedges on it and mayo drizzled over top! I soon found out that it was the standard fare! Interesting!

    I've been told by my Korean homestay students that "Canadian" food is greasy. Funny, because I don't use oil or butter in my cooking and I never fry anything. How odd.

    PS. Eva, you sound like you're such a wonderful teacher and your students are so lucky to have you! How much longer will you be staying in Korea?

  5. omg that pizza looks delicious!

  6. i can't remember what they call it but here in NZ a number of the pizza companies do pizzas with potato wedges on them but they usually have bbq or tomato sauce on them not mayo

  7. One of the (many) pizza places in New Haven, CT has a mashed potato pie that's to die for! You'll have to come visit to try it. :)
    The sweet potato pizza you have pictured, though, is making my mouth water...

  8. mmmmmmmmmmmmm you guys made me hungry.

    I don't know, Chrissy! i think i might stay an extra 6 months now!

  9. pig bodine3:23 AM


    surviving south korea kkkkkkkkkk

    that's hillarious

    i mean i just got here by googling sweet potato pizza

    and i understand that you probably chose ''surviving south korea" as a name for rhetorical effect but ...

    you 'survive' afghanistan or somalia or swat valley, not korea kkkkk

    thats hilarious

    i still want to eat that pizza though

  10. I've been looking into Sweet Potato pizza and found your blog, I linked to it on my blog which will post on March 16th so people can see your pics of the pizza.
    Are you still in Korea? My children are adopted from S. Korea and we love learning more about the country they were born in.

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